Propnomicon, dread master of non-Euclidian knowledge, is known far and wide as a crafter of wondrous Lovecraftiana. I have previously given him obeisance here, and the previous fruits of his labor can be seen displayed by Laura here:
and by Jared here:
His latest project is an Arkham Sanitarium Prop Package, which will contain “a collection of documents and items that place Lovecraft’s fictional creation in the real world, building on the foundation of his writing and historical references.” While I’m already sold on the idea from the quality of his previous work alone, the fact that these pieces venture into the medical side of Lovecraft’s world make this a Cmar-requirement.
The Prop Packages are for sale, but this is the first time he is using the Kickstarter service to fund a project. Kickstarter allows people to pledge any amount of money they want to the project, and Propnomicon’s plan is that the more you pledge, the more you’ll get in terms of items. While he already met his minimum pledge goal to bring the project to completion, there are still 5 days left to buy in to this awesome prop set. So go here, and sign your commitment papers to Arkham Sanitarium:
…wait for it…
…wait for it…
You’d be crazy not to.